Does it make sense to have a zillion different fire departments and school districts? In this economic climate it makes a lot of sense to think consolidation. Grass Valley seems to be on the right track by looking into consolidating its fire department with the county. If it makes economic sense it will probably happen. A small city having its own police and fire departments is a luxury that may be unaffordable. If there was to be consolidation, there would still be police and fire buildings, just manned by people wearing a different color uniform. Or in some cases, the same people, working for the consolidated agency. Think about our school system...the term Top Heavy comes to mind. Do we really need all these superintendents and administrators? Someone the "Old Ways" never change because it's the way it has always been. Maybe it's time for some new thinking...
On the face of it consolodations appear to create economies of scale. LAFCO even has consolodation powers that can force it where there are overlapping services. They tried it in Orange County some ten years ago with two fire districts. It came across as the hostle takeover, local government style. It's costly and ugly because boards defend their turf, and spend tax dollars to do it. Don't you think some small local school districts would do the same. Make great press.
Posted by: Ben Barretta | July 04, 2008 at 11:00 AM
Good points from both Dixie and Russ. Consolidation is good, and should be practiced always to the extent that it doesn't isolate or ignore the fringe groups/areas.
Posted by: George Rebane | July 04, 2008 at 09:54 AM
What about consolidating some of our economic development organizations. Do we need multiple chambers and downtown associations, all with their hands out for government tax money? I am sure consolidation must be a good thing!
Posted by: Russell Steele | July 03, 2008 at 09:08 PM