The first called by local politico Joey Jordan and we all received an update on Isabel Jordan, Bill's mom, who is going through some health challenges right now in Yelapa, Mexico. Put her in your prayers.
The second was Dr. Emmit Miller previewing his latest book and a roundtable discussion that went this way and that at the beautiful home of Georgia and Marilyn. We ended up on the subject of social networking and how we could make a Nevada County exclusive social network, perhaps with subgroups for bartering, gardening, spiritual, .... whatever people are interested in networking about. I left before it had completely wound down, but I think there will be a followup to this in early February. Stay tuned. Kind of a Facebook meets Linked In meets Nevada County. When you get a group of creative dynamic thinkers together it's fun to just sit and watch the thought process. I'm awed by the talented people we have in the great community!
I can't believe I was actually gardening today (Saturday) on January 17th. I think that's a first! Rite Aid has the best price on primroses, ($1.19) and they will withstand more snow and freezing temperatures which are no doubt coming.
BTW, Safeway has its $3.50 bunches of daffodils -- early!
Jerriann Van Dyke recommends the new Iguanas CD. I'm listening to Jenna Lewis now and I'm going to make her a copy of Adele. Is Milo Kiley Jenna Lewis? I'm confused about that one. What's on your iPod?
Jenny Lewis was the singer for the band Rilo Kiley. She recently released a solo album.
Posted by: MLP | January 19, 2009 at 08:50 AM