I don't understand the mindset that everything is negative. I really don't. How horrible it would be to go through life thinking terrible thoughts about everything.
It's so much easier to be positive. There is so much GOOD in Nevada County.
It's a place where I could forget my purse at Pioneer Park during a music fest and come back 2 hours later and find it, where I left it, nothing missing. It's a place where we don't all have to be on the same political page. My friends run the gamut from very conservative to very liberal and everything in between and we get along just fine.
It's a place where your neighbor will gladly water your plants and take in your mail and babysit your dog, expecting nothing in return. It's a place where people genuinely care for one another, and friendships run deep.
I thank God every single day that I'm blessed to live in such a beautiful and creative place.
I wish we could read about all the wonderful people doing extraordinary things instead of "gotcha" stuff. I commend the county and the Board of Supervisors for being so professional and civil. Those of you who were here during the Bedwell Era know how disruptive things became then.
These are trying times and we need to focus on the good in the world and all that we have, rather then the bad in the world and all that we don't have. And, it sure makes life a lot more fun to see that the glass is really half full, if only we would look a little harder.
George, you're absolutely right -- isn't that what makes Nevada County so great?! Depending on what side of the aisle you're on, it was either the Bedwell Era or the VanZant Era. Thanks for corecting!
Posted by: Dixie Redfearn | June 11, 2009 at 10:31 AM
Opp's...I think the Tweetup is Wednesday, June 17 at 6 at Broad Street Bistro!
Posted by: Dixie Redfearn | June 11, 2009 at 10:30 AM
Thank you Dixie - and I've added Denise's Cascade Shores blog.
And to all, a correction to an earlier comment of mine here - Marsha Lanier has guest-blogged ( http://seejanedo.typepad.com/see_jane_do/marsha-lanier-technology-revolution ) on See Jane Do, but S.J.D. is _not_ her blog, it's Elisa Parker's.
Posted by: Anna Haynes | June 10, 2009 at 06:04 PM
With all due respect Dixie, some folks around here called it the van Zant Era :)
Your conservative pal
Posted by: George Rebane | June 10, 2009 at 03:57 PM
Anna, there is a local blog by Denise Cain at www.cascadeshores.org. I met Marsha Lanier at a social networking meeting at Marilyn Nyborg's house. Are you going to the Tweetup next Thursday? You're doing a great job with NCVoices -- I recommend it to everybody. Thanks for all you do.
Posted by: Dixie Redfearn | June 10, 2009 at 03:55 PM
Oops, I forgot to include a link to Zuri's article on Marsha's upcoming tweetup; it's at...
Posted by: Anna Haynes | June 10, 2009 at 08:45 AM
You know, the more I chew on this, the more I think it would be *great* for NCVoices to have a "Community" column, for blogs like yours Dixie. There's only one problem - we need more (active) blogs like yours!
Zuri's "See Jane Do" twitter meetup article today mentions that Marsha Lanier ( http://www.spiritbodymind.org ) is a blogger, something I didn't know - I'll add her blog ( http://seejanedo.typepad.com/see_jane_do ) to NCVoices, but if you know of any others like yours Dixie, that aren't on there yet...?
(feel free to answer here in your comments, as a dialog - my favorite bloggers do that, since it makes the conversation more readable than chopping it up into separate blog posts.)
Posted by: Anna Haynes | June 10, 2009 at 08:43 AM
If one views the glass as half full it must also be half empty. If one views the glass half empty the other half must be full.
Reality is... glass is not half full nor is the glass half empty... it is what it is.
Zen is an amazing thing!
Posted by: Steve Enos | June 09, 2009 at 11:48 PM
I guess there's a need for community-type news *and* for a watchdog press. Can't put the two in different sections of the paper, online, but I guess they could be on different webpages...
Posted by: Anna Haynes | June 09, 2009 at 05:05 PM