This has been a fascinating summer in terms of time, personal growth and introspection. To be honest, I just didn't feel like blogging.
It took about 3 full months to detox from the daily pace and stress of gathering the news. Like any job, it didn't seem stressful when I was doing it, but not doing it (and worrying about the competition) was an entirely different feeling altogether. By the end of the third month I found myself much less concerned with minute details of life in Nevada County. Rather than chronicle it, I was living it, with no need to share.
At the beginning of the fourth month, I needed a project. It seemed obvious to focus on my health. Without those handy excuses of "work" and "too tired" it seemed like a no-brainer. I had meant to get around to things like losing weight and becoming more fit, but let's face it, it is just as easy not to do anything and I decided that wasn't the place I wanted to be.
Knowing I needed help, and with the inspiration of Cheryl Wicks (Sammies Friends) I joined Weight Watchers. My husband and I hired a personal trainer to reacquaint us with some of the weight machines at the gym we were unfamiliar with. And, I could join classes and schedule my gym time around them. Our neighborhood has had a 3 mile walking group for many years that I always wanted to join. We joined and brought our dog, Jackson, along. Now it most certainly is a "Dog Walking Group" with anywhere from 4 to 8 dogs with us at any one time.
Has my project been successful? Yes, and I realize it has morphed into an ongoing different way of life. I like the way I look and feel, although there is more work to be done and new challenges to face. To date I have lost 29 pounds and many inches. I still have about 14 pounds to go to reach my goal weight, at which time Weight Watchers becomes free.
I am re-evaluating my blog. Part of me wants to focus on the weight loss journey, although there are many wonderful blogs out there that already do that. I am leaving for a "girl's trip" to Bainbridge Island, Washington this afternoon and return long enough to repack and head off to Mendocino for a few days of R&R.
Look for my blog to return on September 14. In the meantime, if you haven't given up on me and if you have thoughts or suggestions, write them here or email me at [email protected].
Talk to you soon!!
Glad that the refresh & recover period is ending soon, and our Dixie Fix will be on the air again.
Posted by: George Rebane | September 10, 2009 at 06:42 PM
Your perspective on life in Nevada County is what I enjoy the most about your blog. Newspapers used to have coming and going columns written by ladies living in the neighborhoods around town. It was over the back fence information about living in the community that made reading the newspaper interesting. Keep talking over the back fence on subjects that interest you, and your reader will keep coming back for more.
Posted by: Russ Steele | September 03, 2009 at 07:53 PM
Loved your blog Dixie. I will look forward to hearing about your new adventures. It sounds like you are on the right track.
Suzanne Hall (Annie Hall or Zannie) haha
There are two of us Suzanne Hall's in town. I live in Grass Valley, and the other lives in Nevada City - isn't that weird?
PS Annie is my dogs name! LOL
Posted by: Suzanne Hall | September 03, 2009 at 07:35 PM
"Dixie's life" and the perspective of a Nevada County resident like you is interesting enough to keep this blog quite lively. Just keep doing what you're doing but don't hold yourself back so much! :)
Posted by: Aaron | September 03, 2009 at 01:47 PM